- I'm gettin' nothin'! - 11.30.2006

1. Eggnog or Hot chocolate? Egg Nog, I love it!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? He wraps them. Well, big ones go unwrapped.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Ours are colored. I wish they were white though.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No. Only girls at my house.
5. When do you put your decorations up? I don't. My family does it without me.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Cheese balls.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? Just being with the whole family, I miss that.
8. How and when did you learn the truth about Santa? I was in 4th grade I think. It's an interesting story.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I used to. Now I usually get one big thing so I wait.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? My Mom does it. It's cute, simple.
11. Snow? Love it or dread it? I hate it.
12. Can you ice skate? I'm sure I could if I tried.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I love getting electronic stuff.
14. What's the most important thing about the holidays for you? Family
15. What is your favorite homemade holiday dessert? My Mom makes mean divinity.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Ummm...
17. What tops your tree? An angel my parents got when they were just married
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I really love both
19. What is your favorite Christmas song? My Mom has a CD and I love every song on it. They are different and well done and make you feel...spiritual?

- My Lifes Lessons - 11.15.2006

I'm only 20 years old and I'm sure I'll go through a lot more, and probably a lot harder things before I'm through living, but life so far hasn't exactly been simple. These are a few of the biggest lessons I've learned so far:

Don't lie to people, especially to save someone from getting hurt. They will find out you lied, and you will hurt them twice as much as you would have in the first place.

Gaurd your heart closely. Don't be afraid to love someone because love is an amazing feeling, but don't give your heart away to a good looking sweet talker. It's more than likely they are full of shit.

Some things will make you feel better for awhile, but will make you feel worse in the end. Don't depend on other things or people to make you feel better. Learn how to make yourself happy.

If you can't love yourself, others will find it hard to love you also.

People who are nothing like you might end up being some of your favorite people.

When and if you are ever blessed with a child, put the child first. Don't think about your own feelings before thinking about the childs life. Being completely in charge of how someones life will turn out is a big thing.

If someone hurts you, forgive them. If someone hurts you over and over again keep loving them, but don't keep putting yourself through the pain. You can't change people and most people aren't going to change themselves.

You will lose people you love to death. Don't spend forever being sad or angry that they are gone. Talk to people about them, about the good times. Those are the memories that matter.

- Stew - 11.13.2006

Ben was in Salt Lake for two hours on Saturday night. He spent one of them with me, the other sleeping before his 12 hr trip back to No. Dakota. He brought me a necklace. He likes me.

I have registered for college. That's right, I'm going back. Two classes at a time.

The gym and eating less is working. Slowly, very slowly. I've lost 15, gained 10, lost 5. Ten to go and I'll leave it alone. Baby fat is the devil.

Samantha is walking, I can't believe she's walking.

- Update. - 11.07.2006

Isn't she cute? This picture is actually taken of her when she's 11 months old and at 13 months she already looks so different!

Last time I saw her (4 days ago) she was taking 4 or 5 steps on her own. She meows when you ask her what a kitty says, rawrs when you ask her what a lion says and loves to eat almost anything other than grapes. She says "Mama" and "Dada" and when she wants something from her older sister she just stands in front of her and screams. It usually works.

I was holding her while Becky was putting the carseat in the car and she started getting a little fussy. I blew on the side of her face to try to get her attention. She immediatly turned to me and blew back just as lightly on my face. It was so cute.

Whenever she waves bye she uses both hands, when she wants a kiss from you she smacks her lips together, she's constantly saying "doo doo doo" and she is the most affectionate kid. She loves to be passed around and hugs everybody.

I couldn't be happier with the way things have turned out. I still get sad, usually at night but I love being able to picture where she is and who she's with and I love knowing first hand how much her family loves her.

I'm busy, I'm not proof reading this...sorry!

- Ben - 11.03.2006

Ben and I are quite over. He texted me to tell me he would be unreachable for two weeks. I asked why, his answer made me mad. While reading my text message he hit a deer and totaled his car. That was the end.
Good story, huh?

all alli.





My Life and Everything In It
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Favorite kind of cereal: I'm not a big fan but I g...
Quick update, I'm at work and I'm not actually all...
More bad news
I'm not sure when
Is it really only Friday?
This Christmas
Christmas Time


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