Isn't she cute? This picture is actually taken of her when she's 11 months old and at 13 months she already looks so different! Last time I saw her (4 days ago) she was taking 4 or 5 steps on her own. She meows when you ask her what a kitty says, rawrs when you ask her what a lion says and loves to eat almost anything other than grapes. She says "Mama" and "Dada" and when she wants something from her older sister she just stands in front of her and screams. It usually works. I was holding her while Becky was putting the carseat in the car and she started getting a little fussy. I blew on the side of her face to try to get her attention. She immediatly turned to me and blew back just as lightly on my face. It was so cute. Whenever she waves bye she uses both hands, when she wants a kiss from you she smacks her lips together, she's constantly saying "doo doo doo" and she is the most affectionate kid. She loves to be passed around and hugs everybody. I couldn't be happier with the way things have turned out. I still get sad, usually at night but I love being able to picture where she is and who she's with and I love knowing first hand how much her family loves her. I'm busy, I'm not proof reading this...sorry!
Oh MY! She is absolutely adorable. I'm sure it's hard, but it must be so comforting to know how loved she is and what a great life that you have blessed her with.
What a cutie! She is very photogenic. I love all the cute pics you post of her. I'm glad that you are so involved in her life, I'm sure that makes it easier, and harder, all at once. She's very lucky to have so many people who love and care for her and have her best interests at heart. That is a tremendous blessing.
Ali, she is so sweet. You are awesome!
She is so cute, Alli!
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