Not feeling so great today. Thought I would try to cheer myself up...
50 Things I love: (in no certain order)
Mom & Dad, Baby Sam, Brit, Stace & Shawn, My soon-to-be niece baby, Bryan, Breeanna, Laptop, Amber, Becky & Ivan, Friends, Eddie, My weekly paycheck, Reading, Dr Pepper, Summertime, Getting e-mails, Pictures, Worn Jeans, My (new) bed, Swimming, Kids, Traveling, Days off, Boating, Going walking with my Mom, Leaving Utah, Aimless car rides, Baby Girls, Drawing, Scrapbooking, Going to the movies, Old Navy flip-flops, Sweedish Fish, Swinging, Sleeping, New shoes, Dennys at 2 a.m., Music, Friday nights, Long converstaions, Web design, Parks, Soup, Markers, Shopping, Home.
I have my new visiting teachers coming over after work today. They assigned me to Jan W, they are paying attention. I love Jan. Morgan is so adorable and she keeps me awake thru the first two hours of church. :) Ha hah.
A few PostSecret cards I like: Been there. I hope someday I can relate to this one. I should start thinking like this. That's all...I need to get back to work.