- Tagged! -
Tagged! I was "tagged" and here it is!
5 things in your purse: chapstick, gum, loose change, pen, um...a business card
5 things in your fridge: lemonade, leftovers, lettuce, juice, salsa
5 things on your desk: i dont have one. my laptop goes where i go.
5 things in your closet: clothes, shelves, shoes, old letters and notes, random crap
5 things in your backyard: picnic table, a tree, shed, flowers, fences
5 things in your garage: mom's car, brits car, garbage cans, wood, newspaper recycling bin
5 things in your kitchen junk drawer: old cell phones, old glasses, old toys, socks, old clothes
5 things under your bathroom sink: toilet paper, blow dryer, make up, lotion, nail polish remover
5 things in your hall closet: board games, beach towels, batteries, candles, cleaners
5 things in your child's room: crib, changing table, books, toys, swing
5 things in your house you can't live without: Mom, Brit, books, computer, cell phone
5 people who you are tagging and need to make this blog: Yeah right, no one reads this but Chaun, my mom and maybe Bryan...
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