Me at eighteen. I was a daughter of a newly widowed mother, a student, a friend and a roommate. I attended school full time and worked part time nights and weekends. I had very few goals, if any. Things of importance to me were my friends, and forgetting home and the pain that I, at the time,
with home.

Chan, me and adorable baby
Mikayla. I believe I was seventeen when this picture was taken but I may have been sixteen. At the time I was a bishops daughter, a caretaker to a sick father, a shoulder for a grieving mother, a teenager with severe depression that I didn't yet know how to control. My main goal was getting away. Things of importance to me were people who supported me and my family, my long time boyfriend and my drivers license. Oh, and that studded belt. I went through five of those belts in high school.

Fifteen years old. Happy, "popular", outgoing, friendly. I cared about how I did in school, cared about how I looked, cared about getting out and being with my friends. My family was happy and I was well cared for. If I could go back to any one year of my life I would go back to year fifteen. (Note the belt)
I was going back and reading some of my older blogs and journals and it amazes me how much I have changed. How I have gone back and fourth from happiness to unhappiness. I'm still trying to figure out what I want for myself and how to go about getting it. Hopefully I continue to change, and hopefully it's for the better.
So...anyone heard about any open receptionist jobs yet?
I hate being unemployed.