- By the Way - 12.14.2006

Nothing too exciting today. Just some quick things:

I got out of my ticket, almost. I have to pay for it but it's not on my record, I still have my license and my ridiculously high insurance isn't going to be getting any higher.

Ben is going to be here over Christmas. Am I excited? I'm not sure...

I'm all registered for school. I start January 8th. American sign language after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Computer Information Systems after work on Mondays and Wednesdays. Sigh.

I went and saw Samantha on Sunday. She walks. How is it that my baby girl is already walking? She has the cutest personality. She's just...sweet. She loves everyone and loves hugs and kisses and she was cuddling with my Mom. She also says a few words. I'm in love.

I think that's about it, I'm not too exciting. Oh, and I'm still working on the beta thing steph.


P.S. I've been trying to comment your blogs but it isn't letting me. It's telling me it can't log me in, even when I'm already logged in. I'm still reading them and I'll comment as soon as it lets me!


At 12:07:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you going to school? You may have already said, but I've forgotten. Good Luck! I'm hoping to finish up my bachelors degree after the kids are all old enough to be in school....that's a long ways away. Makes me wish I'd finished school before I started a family, so I wish you the best of luck in finishing up soon!
Have fun over the holidays!

At 1:53:00 AM, Blogger Chellie said...

Very cool... I hope you have a great Christmas break... and then school starts up again :-(
I had a problem commenting for almost a week and then one day it let me...

At 2:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't comment and then I switched to Beta Blogger and it was still messed up and now it lets me, but it gives me a "non-secure" message every time I try to comment.

I'm glad you saw Sam. She is so sweet. I'm also glad you are in school! Keep us posted.

At 11:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alli! Good job on getting out of your ticket... You better stay out of trouble now. ;)

What's the scoop with you and Ben??

Did you get any pictures of Sam?? She is such a cute girl. That's really exciting.

I've decided that I'm no computer expert and bow humbly before blogger. Thank-you very much for helping me.

At 2:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(please update your blog more often...)


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