- Name: Baby Sam -
 Name: Baby Sam
Age: Nine months
Talents: Spitting, Rolling, Looking adorable
Hobbies: Playing Peek-a-boo, Pulling Big Sisters hair, Giving Kisses, Giggling
Isn't she adorable? I can't believe she is nine months old already, I still remember my four days with her like it was yesterday. As much as I miss my sqeaky, wrinkly newborn I wouldn't give this girl up for the world. She's perfect. I love everything about her.
She plays peek-a-boo like a champ. She throws her favorite pink blanket over her head and stays still for about 30 seconds. When her hands finally get a good grasp she pulls the blanket down and gives you a Huge smile. Simple, but adorable. Her favorite person to play this game with is Alex. Alex is a good sport and Samantha just loves her.
I am so grateful that I get to be such a part of this girls life. She means the world to me and I would do anything for her.
Now Some Random Survey Thing:
A. Four jobs you have had in your life: 1. Delta Center 2. Lagoon 3. Hollywood Video 4. Data Entry/Receptionist
B. Four movies you could watch over and over: 1. Beauty and the Beast 2. Emperors New Groove 3. Tommy Boy 4. Charley and the Chocolate Factory
C. Four places you have lived: 1. Utah 2. Utah 3. Utah 4. Utah...I suck.
D. Four TV shows you love to watch: 1. 24 2. Friends (shhh..don't tell) 3. Home Improvement 4. King of Queens
E. Four places you have been on vacation 1. California 2. Portland 3. Colorado 4. Las Vegas
F. Four websites you visit daily: 1. Hotmail.com 2. Myspace.com 3. Blogger.com 4. A lot of different blogs
G. Four of your favorite foods: 1. Chicken 2. Clam Chowder 3. Chicken Ench Soup 4. Chicken Noodle Soup
H. Four places you'd rather be right now: 1. In Bed 2. With Friends 3. In Bed 4. In Bed
I. Four of your favorite things to do 1. Sleep 2. Surf the Web 3. Hang out with friends 4. Play with Baby Sam
J. Four of your favorite drinks 1. Water 2. Milk 3. Sprite 4. Juice
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She's so cute. It's great you get to be a part of her life!
She is absolutely beautiful...thanks for sharing the pictures!
She's gorgeous, Alli. Those eyes are amazing.
I thought I was the only person in the world who loves The Emperor's New Groove!! I think that movie is fantastic.
I wish I liked water, but I don't. I need some flavor... and carbonation... and caffeine.
Ohhh, you're a tough girl. I don't have that kind of willpower. Maybe in baby steps.
We still need to hangout and scrapbook. Everyday that passes we're getting farther and farther behind... ;)
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